Sunday 17 May 2009

Windy Day

Well, Saturday was the closest I've come to walking in the rain. Every day I've been out so far has remained dry. Saturday was showery but still not bad, though walking along some of the exposed banks at Draycote was hard work in the wind.

I took it easier today and spent 7 hours doing the 25 miles. I also stuck at 25 as some minor blisters developed right on the heel of my right foot. I'm going to have to look at a new pair of boots as these seem to be wearing out, nearly all the lining at the back has disintegrated. Not what I wanted. I've also noticed that the bottom of my right shin was tender when I finished, it must be the shock of spending 25 miles walking on asphalt, not what I normally do when walking but as Nijmegen is spent on roads and footpaths I shall have to get used to it. Off to the local running shop tomorrow for some advice.

Very pleased in one respect though, day one of the walks takes us to Arnhem and I've always wanted to go there. Walking and military history in the same trip, great news.

Monday 11 May 2009

9 May

Saturday was a good day. After two weeks out of action I upped my mileage from 17 to 25. In fact I set out round Draycote Water aiming for a minimum of 20 miles and hoping that I would achieve 25. I stopped after 10 miles for a short break and to check that the feet were holding up to the strain after my injuries. They were doing well though it was a relief to take my boots off for a few minutes.

I'd set a good time for the first 10 miles, 2.5 hours, so I allowed myself to slow down a bit after that. Strangely the lap from 10 - 15 miles was the hardest and I felt quite weary. Though another foot check and some lunch and I was off again. They've installed some mile marker posts around the lake which is a great help. The next two laps went well though I knew I had completed a good distance by the end because I simply felt weary and my muscles ached a little. I think listening to Genesis 'Live Over Europe' was a great help, especially the tracks where the beat fitted my walking rhythm. Knowing it was also coming to an end also helped a great deal.

The next day saw me out and about again though I only did 6 miles it was useful, it got rid of the ache in the limbs. All in all an excellent weekend. Next weekend I'll be back at Draycote, doing either another 25 or possibly pushing on to 27 miles depending upon how I feel.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Short stroll

After the trauma of two weeks ago I can at last put boots on and today went for a short stroll. Back to it next week, 20 or 25 miles next Saturday, depending upon how the feet hold out.

The fundraising is coming along nicely, justgiving and other sponsorship has taken me to the verge of £400. I also had a nice phone call on Friday from a chap who saw me on the John Barrowman show. It's his 50th wedding anniversary this year and he and his wife want to donate to charity to celebrate. Having lost a nephew whilst serving with HM Forces they are looking at a military charity, so they are going to sponsor me. What a lovely gesture, now I have to do them proud.